Workspaces can be managed and edited from the Workspace Manager in the left main menu.
From this view you can create a new workspace and rearrange, edit or archive existing workspaces.
Every workspace is represented by a card.
Workspace cards can be rearranged by clicking and dragging on their card's top color badge. This will change the order in which they appear in the main menu, your Dashboard, and All Tasks.
Modifying a Workspace
Every Workspace card has an option menu in the upper right hand corner, represented with three dots.
Clicking on this menu will reveal the Workspace options:
- Edit the Workspace
Will open up the Workspace window to make changes to the Workspace's details. - Go to this Workspace
Will take you to that Workspace - Archive this Workspace
Will archive the workspace so it no longer appears in your Workspace lists. You can always restore or delete an archived workspace by visiting the Archived Workspaces. Archived Workspaces do not count against your Workspace limit.
Note: When a Workspace is archived, it's billing cycles are suspended, and all team members are unassigned. If you restore an archived Workspace, you'll need to redefine the billing cycle and reassign team members.
Where are the Archived Workspaces?
You can switch to view your Archived Workspaces by selecting the option in the top right of the Workspace manager.
Change the Layout
Sometimes it's easier to rearrange things in a list instead of a grid.
If you prefer to work with your Workspaces as a list, click the “List View” icon in the top right of the Workspace Manager.