Mail-to-Adminja is custom email addresses that forward Tasks and Notes directly to an Adminja Workspace.

How Does it Work?

  1. Login to Adminja and claim a custom address for your Workspace.
    (To claim a workspace address, visit the workspace and open their Profile, and select the Mail-to-Adminja tab.)
  2. Send or forward an email to the address you claimed.

  3. You're done! 
    In a few moments, a new task will appear on the appropriate Workspace's Task board.

  4. Using your own Domain
    To make things even more seamless for your clients, create an email alias ON YOUR OWN DOMAIN that forwards email to your new mail-to-adminja address. This way clients get the benefit of their own email address at your domain, while keeping Adminja completely transparent.


Do More With Tags!

Tags save you time and can be inserted anywhere in the email subject or body.


@tags ('at tags') tell Adminja what to make.

@task *

Will import your email as a Task.


Will import your email as a Note card

* This is the default mode. If you don't specify @task or @note, your email will be imported as a task.



#tags ('hash tags') tell Adminja what to do with it.

Send it to a List!

File the Task or Note directly in a specific List using the list's name!*

 #travel, #office-projects, #officeprojects

* If you don't specify a list for a task, it will be added to the "New Tasks" list for the designated workspace. If you don't specify a list for a note, it will be added to the main "Details" list.


Set a Due date!
Automatically set due dates on your imported tasks.

#due3d = Due in 3 days
#due1w = Due in 1 week
#due2m = Due in 2 months

#due12-13-20 = Due on December 13, 2020
#due12/13/20 = Due on December 13, 2020
#due2020-12-13 = Due on December 13, 2020


Give it some color!
Color code your notes with hashtags!