Workspaces are the heart and soul of Adminja.
While All Tasks, Today, and Time Reports combine information from all of your workspaces, when you are in an individual workspace, you are ONLY working with that workspace’s tasks, information and time.
Every client in Adminja gets it's own Workspace, each with a separate board for their Details, Tasks, Time, and Billing and you can create internal workspaces for your own use whenever you need.
Main Menu: Client Workspaces
Details Board
The Details board is used to organize and remember every last critical detail about a client. This board is customizable, rearrangable and you can color-code each list to make for easy, at-a-glance organization and recall.
Learn how to work with Detail Boards
Task Board
Task Boards are where you organize, manage, and execute each Workpace's projects and tasks. Just like the Details board, each Task board is customizable, rearrangable, and each Task list can be color-coded.
Learn how to work with Task Boards
Recurring Task Board
The Recurring Tasks board is where Adminja stores any Tasks that are scheduled to repeat on a schedule, along with any multi-step Task templates you want to store for quick cloning later.
Learn how to work with Recurring Tasks
Time Board
Any time you log for a Workspace will appear in that Workspace's Time board.
When viewing the Time board, you can change the date range, choose to group by Month or by Week, and filter by Team Member.
You can print or download a full report using the controls at the top of the Time board:
Or you can choose to print or download just the time in one of the Monthly or Weekly lists from the controls in the footer of each list:
Billing Board
If your Workspace is setup for a Client, it will also have a Billing Board.
The Billing board is where you can review your client's plan history and current plan status, modify the current period, add line item charges, and create and send Invoices.
Learn how to work with Client Billing
Workspaces & Teams
Team members can be granted access to specific workspaces and they will only have access to the workspaces they are assigned.
You can manage your Team members and their Workspace assignments by selecting "My Teams" in the main menu.